Week 1

Detailed description about my work during the first week

Notes from logbook

First up I started looking at the API, however after seeing the progress Tim and Joeri we're making. I thought it was more helpful in setting up the Wiki. After that together we made some code agreements and one of the agreements was writing in ES6. That meant that the code Tim was writing had to be restructured to ES6.


Deep dive of this week's work

So the first thing I did, was write the debrief. Which can be found here, debrief. After that, I set up the wiki. During an earlier course during the year (Functional Programming) we got an example wiki from Deanne Bosschert. I tried to implement that in our wiki. So, starting by an overview of the project, then a section about the code itself. The feedback that we received and a reflection. Later on, we added the Product biography and recommendations for the client. One required by the minor, the other was a request from the client.

Later on in the week, we looked at each other's code and found that a member was still writing in ES5, by copying and pasting from the internet. So while the others were still working on understanding the API and it's possibilities, I tried to help him understand ES6 better by using let and const instead of var and by rewriting some functions to arrow functions.

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